Some of the founding members of PNKCA attended this convention.
Jerry Hames joined the Executive Board for the next 2 years.
Larry Christensen presented Sot Chimonas with the Bronze Koi Award.
Gene Anderson presented the Koi of the Year award to Bruce Bullis of the Cascade Koi & Goldfish
Club to present to Jeff & Penny-Wyse Thomas.
Four ponds were featured on this year's pond tour - click on the picture above to see more.
Virginia Hokkanen, Chris Charbonneau, Lucy Macneil and Nancy Moore served as
Lindsay Gibson was recognized for attending all 25 PNKCA Conventions!!
Our wonderful speakers received gifts from the convention. Pictured left to right, Cindy Graham,
Tom Graham, Tim Miller-Morgan, Bill McGurk, Maureen McGurk, Dick Benbow.
Members put on an enjoyable koi skit as the banquet
program started. Stella Soraparu, Chris Charbonneau, Karen Miller, Robert Rutkin and Helena Hileman
were the performers.
Ed Fujimoto awards were presented to winners and club representatives of those who could not attend.
Lunch time PNKCA Rep meeting.
The convention banquet filled to capacity!!
Congratulations to 2009 Convention Super Raffle winners: Chuck Harmon -
Russell Watergardens
koi pond kit
Rinda Lowell -
Mystic Koi air pump
Rinda Lowell -
Microbe-Lift package
Our thanks to these 3 vendors for the generous contribution!
Peter Enfield with Laurie and Pete Miller who were the high bidders for this slate to support PNKCA.
Vik Nair with Peter Enfield - Vik was high bidder for this koi slate Peter donated to support the
AKCA KHV Project. Thank you Peter!!
There are still a few 2009 convention souvenir shirts available. Contact Nancy Moore for information.