This page is dedicated to articles on Koi Health
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Koi Herpes Virus Disease—the Basics
By Wally Hathaway, KHA
pleasure and serenity brought to so many of us has been realized exponentially over the past decade. Koi ponds of all sizes and designs have been constructed by hobbyists everywhere in order to bring home
the peace and beauty we all so enjoy. Landscapers assist in building this piece
of nature into our own yards and gardens. Breeders and dealers are meeting the
need for more of the “living jewels.” In growing numbers, artists
are, in so many ways, capturing and immortalizing the true grace and elegance of koi.
Unfortunately, our koi are now under threat of a deadly disease. Koi herpes
virus (KHV), a viral disease highly contagious to fish, may cause significant morbidity (sickness and disease) and mortality
(death) in common carp (Cyprinus carpio).
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Quarantine Protocol for KHV
Linda Montgomery
At a recent PNKCA (Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association) Representatives Meeting one of the Representatives asked
“What is the correct quarantine protocol to have a fighting chance against KHV?”
I do realize that KHV is a subject that many people may be getting a little tired of hearing about, but it is such
a devastating virus and it has hit very hard numerous families in the Pacific Northwest. Many of these families have continually
been heard to say that “You need to quarantine any new fish”, but what exactly does that mean?
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Use of Chemicals in Your Pond
Linda Montgomery,
It is extremely important to understand before adding any chemicals to your pond that your
fish’s health depends on the relationship between the fish’s environment, stressors and pathogens. Adding medications
to your pond will increase the stress on your fish, so you certainly don’t want to add chemicals unless absolutely necessary.
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Eradicating Koi Herpes Virus
By John Hathaway
Northwest Region Director
AKCA-Project KHV Team
I hope that you never have
the truly heartbreaking experience of having your entire koi collection die from Koi Herpes Virus, KHV! KHV is highly contagious and fatal! KHV does not discriminate
on the basis of color, value, or being “best and favorite.” KHV has
invaded the ponds of both veteran and novice koi keepers. It is devastating to
koi breeders, dealers, and koi keepers. As hobbyists, we can take precautions
to prevent the introduction of KHV into our ponds, but our koi will not be genuinely safe until this disease is eradicated. This is not a subtle request for a donation from every member of all PNKCA clubs to
help fund the AKCA’s Project KHV.
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