Each member club within the Association shall elect two of its members to represent
that club respecting Association affairs and to be recipients of Association correspondence, and accordingly relay same to
the other members of their clubs.
Section 3 Active Member Active members shall consist of members of
the clubs in good standing with this Association.
Section 4 Application and Election to Membership Written
applications, on PNKCA application forms, must be presented to the Executive by all prospective new members. Yearly dues must
accompany form: Application forms to be held by the Executive. The Executive will approve or disapprove membership after due
consideration of all requirements. Upon approval, dues and all other necessary fees will be accepted by the Treasurer.
5 Membership Dues Active membership dues shall be TWENTY DOLLARS ($20.00) United States Funds per annum. These
dues may be adjusted annually subject to the approval of the annual budget by the Association Representatives. Dues are payable
on the second day of January of each year.
Section 6 Change of Dues A two-thirds vote of the Association
Representatives will be required in order to change dues. No club shall be entered into the rolls of the Association unless
dues have been paid.
Section 7 Member Club Identification and Promotion The Association shall maintain
a brochure listing member clubs with a contact person. This brochure can be made available at member club shows and promotional
activities. The current brochure may be obtained on the PNKCA website. The vacant fold may be printed with a club’s
membership form.
Section 8 Club Autonomy Membership in this Association shall not be construed as surrender
of autonomy or in any way interfering with the affairs of the member clubs.
1 Management The control and general management of the affairs of the Association shall be vested in the Association Representatives
and elected Executive . There shall be two (2) representatives from each club. A quorum shall consist of
a minimum of one Representative from two-thirds (2/3) of the member clubs and shall include one or more Executive(s). The
Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Association and in his/her absence the next ranking officer shall preside. All
Association Representatives shall have one (1) vote each and are entitled to vote on any matter before the Executive.
2 Powers (a) General Association Powers - Subject to the provisions of any American or Canadian law respecting
non-profit clubs, organizations or societies and by limitations in the articles of such clubs, organizations or societies,
and these Bylaws, relating to action required to be approved by the members, the business and affairs of the Association shall
be managed. All Association powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the Executive. (b) Specific Powers
- Without prejudice to the general powers and subject to the same limitations, the Representatives shall have the power to
propose to:(1) Select and remove all Executives of the Association; prescribe any powers and duties for them that are consistent
with the laws and with these By-laws, and fix their compensation. (2) Change the principal business office situated within
the Pacific Northwest from one location to another, and designates any place within or outside the Pacific Northwest for the
holding of any members’ meeting or meetings including annual meetings. (3) Alter the form of these By-laws. These By-laws
may be amended or altered or repealed by the Representatives after the proposed alterations are presented by way of Notice
of Motion no less than thirty (30) days prior to the time of voting on said alteration, with an affirmative two-thirds (2/3)
vote of all Representatives present and voting. Voting shall be by secret ballot. Proxy vote will be accepted with respect
to By-law changes.
Section 1 Election
of Executive Officers The election of the Executive of the Association shall consist of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary
and Treasurer. They shall be nominated and elected by the Association Representatives on the same day as the annual Association
Convention is held, and the officers shall assume office on the following day. No officer shall be elected to the same office
for more than two consecutive terms unless agreed upon by majority vote of Representatives. Each term shall consist of two
years. The Executive shall be elected from the members. In the event an executive position is vacated prior to the end of
the two-year term, the remaining Executive may appoint a member to fill such position.
Section 2 Duties of
the Chairman The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Association. He/she shall appoint all committee persons.
Section 3 Duties of the Vice-Chairman The Vice-Chairman shall, in the absence or disability
of the Chairman, preside at all meetings of this Association and shall act in his/her absence on matters before the Representatives.
Section 4 Duties of the Secretary The Secretary shall record all minutes of the proceedings of this Association
and shall maintain such minutes in a neat and orderly manner. It will be his/her responsibility to mail the minutes to the
Representatives of each club.
Section 5 Duties of the Treasurer The Treasurer shall receive, collect,
and deposit immediately upon receipt in the name of the Association, all monies. If petty cash is needed, the treasurer will
be responsible for obtaining necessary funds from the Association bank account and then returning all funds purpose
of making change only. And he/she shall present the books of the Association for audit prior to the annual general meeting.
6 Duties of the WebmasterThe Webmaster is appointed by the Chairman to maintain the PNKCA Website.
to the PNKCA Policies & Procedures Manual for additional details of duties on each position listed above.)
7 Qualifications of Executive Officers Any member, as defined in Article I and who is in good standing, may be elected
or appointed to and serve as an Executive Officer, providing that such member is a koi hobbyist and not involved in the selling/brokering
of koi, goldfish, or related products. A dealer is defined as someone who is commercially involved in koi or goldfish husbandry
and husbandry-related products and services.
Section 1 Representative
Meetings Regular meetings of the Association Representatives shall be held two times a year, one of which shall be the
annual general meeting, at such place designated by the Chairman. The Secretary shall notify all Representatives and Past
Chairmen of the place and date of such meetings at least thirty (30) days prior to the date set.
2 Special Meetings Special meetings of the Executive and/or the Representatives will be held at the request of the Chairman.
Section 3 Annual General Meeting The Executive and all Representatives shall meet annually
in an open meeting with members of the affiliated clubs in an event which shall be known as the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs
Association Convention. In the event an Annual Convention is not held, the Chairman will schedule a second meeting during
that calendar year to conduct Association business.
ARTICLE V - COMMITTEES All committee chairpersons shall
be appointed by the Chairman. All committee chairpersons shall keep a record of the proceedings and actions of their respective
committees as a history and to assist successive committee persons.
Section 1 By-laws Committee
The By-laws Committee shall review all proposed amendments to the By-laws and shall make its recommendations to the Executive.
Section 2 The Annual Convention Committee The Annual Convention Committee shall organize the annual gathering
of the membership. To promote the Koi hobby, the Convention Committee shall ensure that dealers and Koi related businesses
shall be equally able to represent their activities at the annual convention. No Koi related business may be the subject of
the annual convention’s pin, poster or registration form. Before ANY MONIES or COMMITMENTS are made or spent:
The Annual Convention Committee shall submit a detailed PNKCA Convention Projection (Income/Expenses) Projection to the PNKCA
Treasurer for review and approval by the Executive. Upon approval of the PNKCA Convention Projection, the Executive shall
advance the Annual Convention Committee an amount sufficient to cover the pre-convention expenses. This amount of this advance
is further determined by the cash flows unique to each convention and shall vary from year to year. It is the intent of this
advance that no club or individual member shall need to advance funds or credit in order to finance the convention.
The Annual Convention Committee shall return to the PNKCA Treasurer the net of convention income (including any money advanced
by the PNKCA to the convention committee, registration fees, advertising proceeds, auction/ raffle proceeds,
convention pin sales, vendor space rental, registration sales table proceeds,) minus expenses (which may
include dinner, special admission fees, pin costs, speaker support fees (travel, lodging, food), photography, printing, and
miscellaneous fees). The hosting club's Convention Committee Chairman will report to the Executive in a timely manner the
details of how the Annual Convention plans are progressing. The Annual Convention Committee shall ensure that convention business
is completed, summarized (a detailed income/expense breakdown with receipts and supporting documents) and, presented to the
PNKCA Treasurer, with the appropriate transfer of funds, no later than three months following the date of the convention.
If this target date is met, the convention host club need not submit Association dues for the next year. If this target date
cannot be met, the Annual Convention Committee Chairman shall contact the PNKCA Treasurer directly to arrange a reasonable
extension, subject to Executive approval. No club or individual shall offer for sale, raffle or auction any item(s) at the
Convention, unless 100% of the proceeds are designated to the PNKCA Convention. Any exception requires a written request to
be made to the Executive, prior to the Spring Representatives Meeting for a vote of the Representatives. A 2/3rds supermajority
of attending Representatives is required to approve the request.In return for the efforts of the convention host club, a check
for 50% of the net profits (excluding super raffle and PNKCA sales table income) will be sent to the host club by the PNKCA
Treasurer after all convention money has been received by the PNKCA Treasurer along with a final convention accounting. If
the PNKCA Treasurer does not receive all convention monies and the final convention accounting from the host club within the
three month time period following the date of the convention, the host club will forfeit their percentage of net profits.
If this target date cannot be met, the Annual Convention Committee chairman shall contact the PNKCA Treasurer directly to
arrange a reasonable extension, subject to Executive approval.
Section 3 The Audit Committee The Chairman shall
delegate a qualified Audit Committee prior to the annual general meeting to submit a written report to be given at that meeting.
VI - NON-PARTISAN ACTIVITIES This Association has been formed for the purposes described in these By-laws and it shall be
non-profit and non-partisan. No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall consist of the publication or
dissemination of materials with the purpose of attempting to influence legislation, and the Association shall not participate
or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office or for or against any cause or measure
being submitted to the people for a vote except on matters that pertain to Koi, their keeping, culture, or related areas.
ARTICLE VII- DISSOLUTION In the event of the dissolution of this Association, all assets remaining shall be equally
split between the active clubs in good standing with the Association.
of Order (revised) shall govern all proceedings of this association providing they are not in conflict with these By-laws
and any amendments thereto.
Section 1 Award, Plaques or Special
Gifts The Treasurer shall on a yearly basis pay out the necessary funds to cover the cost of: · The Convention Host’s
Gift· Perpetual Show Plaque for Best Tategoi - (one per club)· Officers Plaques or Gifts (every second year)· Inter-club competition
cash award(s) · The Ed Fujimoto Inspirational Award· The Bronze Koi Award· PNKCA Koi of the Year Award - (voted on at Convention)
2 Monetary Grants for Promotion of the Hobby of Koi Keeping When the treasury permits, annually, the Association may make
up to six grants of $150 to six different member clubs to aid in the promotion of the hobby at events other than Koi shows.
(Maximum of $900 per year). Clubs in good standing (membership dues current) shall receive funds on a rotating basis. Clubs,
which do not receive a grant in the current year, will be first on the list to receive next year’s available grants,
if reapplication is made in a timely manner. Application for grants in the coming year should be made to the PNKCA Webmaster
prior to the Spring Representative Meeting. An on-line grant application form is available on the PNKCA website under the
forms and brochures section. Clubs, which receive a grant, are to provide a brief written report with photos of the use of
grant money no later than December 1st of the current year unless an extension is granted
by the Executive. If any report has not been completed or an extension received by that date, that club will forfeit the grant.
Alternate clubs will be notified and given the opportunity to provide a report prior to the following Spring Representatives
Meeting. Upon receipt of the report with photos, and after approval by the Executive PNKCA Treasurer shall issue the grant
money to club. The Executive will then advise the Webmaster to post to the PNKCA website.
CLUB Past Chairmen of the Association are asked to serve on an advisory committee called the Past Chairman’s Club in
order to transfer their valuable information gained as Chairmen to the new Executives. They are asked to attend the Association
meetings of Representatives twice yearly. They will serve with an advisory capacity only, and will not be eligible to vote,
unless acting as an appointed Representative for a club. Amendments voted and passed on March 15, 1996. Amendments voted and
passed on August 21, 1999. Amendments voted and passed on March 11, 2000. Amendments voted and passed on June 16, 2001. Amendments
voted and passed on May 17, 2003. Amendments voted and passed on March 13, 2004 Amendments voted and passed on March 12, 2005
Amendments voted and passed on June 16, 2007 Amendments voted and passed on March 13, 2010. Amendments voted and passed on
July 6, 2013. As Secretary of the PNKCA I do hereby swear to the authenticity, current and correct status of this document.
Verified by: Chris Charbonneau, Chairman of the PNKCA
Verified by: Diana Lynn Rehn, Secretary of the PNKCA
Date: 3/28/2015
/S/Chris Charbonneau, Chairman of the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association
Diana Lynn Rehn, Secretary of the Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association