Canada Koi Club
Wendy Smith
Wendy has been a devoted koi hobbyist for many years and presently
doing a great job as the acting President of the Club.
Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club
Dixie Garner
Dixie joined Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club in 2001. Dixie has volunteered as our club’s Secretary
then Treasurer for several years. She has been a great asset to the club, willing to lend a helping hand whenever
Dai-Ichi Koi and Japanese Garden Club of B.C.
Gwen Langford
Really enjoys koi and watergsardens and is the best Secretary
the Club has ever had.
Idaho Water Garden
and Koi Society
Gary Moen
A charter member of the club, Gary has always excelled at
whatever he was asked to do. From plant-sale chairperson to program presenter at many of our beginning-season banquets, Gary
has always done an excellent job. We are so fortunate and proud to have this person as part of our great club.
Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society Ralph McGowen
Ralph was nominated for his outstanding support and involvement in all our club activities. His
nomination was voted on at our October 2007 meeting, and passed by a majority Vote by our club!
Mid Columbia Koi & Pond Club
Phyliss Hirschel
The Mid Columbia Koi & Pond Club is proud to announce
that Phyliss Hirschel is our Ed Fujimoto Award winner. Phyliss exemplifies the qualities of patience and good old common sense
that we all value so much in our leaders, and we are proud to have her in our club.
North Idaho Koi
Gene Anderson
Gene is a founding member of the North Idaho Koi Keepers (NIKK)
club and is currently serving his second term as President of this new club. Gene worked closely with fellow koi-lovers to
organize this new organization. He continues to conduct workshops for members
and provide KHA assistance to fellow hobbyists in the area, spending many hours helping koi keepers new to the hobby so that
they might experience the joy of healthy ponds with healthy pets. As Chairman of the PNKCA Gene is providing great continuity
to help NIKK host the 2008 PNKCA Convention in Idaho. Gene has also helped with several conventions before this. As if all
this volunteer work doesn’t keep him busy enough, Gene is also serving the AKCA as KHV Funding Chairman. He believes
strongly in this cause and has helped raise thousands of dollars to help educate koi keepers on the ongoing disease that has
devastated so many koi across the country and around the world.
Gene spends hours each day in his volunteer capacity. The
hobby is truly a labor of love for him. All of this combines to make Gene Anderson
a worthy nominee of the prestigious Ed Fujimoto Award.
Northwest Koi and Goldfish Club
Dale Rohrer and Donna Mason
Dale and Donna are wonderful members of the NWK&G Club.
They are always very helpful. If we need a job done or a volunteer Dale and Donna always help us out. They both help the NW
club to be very successful.
Olympic Koi, Goldfish, and Watergarden
Peggy Roney
Peggy has been a very active and interested member of our
club, helping with any projects that are ask of her. Peggy has helped make new members feel welcome, promoting the Koi and
Watergarden hobby in our communities. She became our Clubs first Librarian, and has completely straightened out all the club
literature, and put all the old VHS tapes to digital disks. Our Library is now on line for use of our members. Our thanks
to her, again, for her hard work.
Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society
Lonnie & Dixie Harris
This year the Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society has selected
Lonnie and Dixie Harris to receive the Ed Fujimoto Award. Lonnie and Dixie are a perfect example of dedication and selflessness. They are always ready to donate their time for club activities without any hesitation.
Dixie is serving her second year as our clubs secretary and is doing a wonderful job! She has a special way of putting a smile
on everyone’s face. Lonnie helps set up our koi show, and is one of the kindest people that you will ever meet. Not only have they opened their home to the club for fundraisers and meetings, but
they have also opened our eyes to friendships that will last a lifetime. Lonnie and Dixie Harris are very special members
of the Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society and we can honestly say our club would not be the same without them!
Puget Sound Koi Club
Philip Ricigliano
Phil Ricigliano is a pillar of this club. He has served in
several key positions during his membership. He was club president in 2004, vice
president in 2007, Show Chairman in 2002 and 2008, and co-show chair in 2001, 2003, and 2007. Phil provided computer support
for all of our annual koi shows since 2003. He has served as our webmaster since 2004 and was AKCA rep in 2005. No one outshines Phil in contributions to the success of the Puget Sound Koi Club.
Siskiyou Koi & Pond Club
Lois Rosmarin
She started our club & has put in endless hours of work
helping everyone in the club with koi education, etc. She also publishes the
club newsletter every month and works tirelessly on every aspect of what our club is doing from shows to public promotions
etc. No one deserves this award more, not even a close call.
Washington Koi and Water Garden Society
Joyce Tsuji
Joyce Tsuji has served as Program Chair, AKCA representative,
and Club President. She assists in benching and handling at our Koi Show and at the Nozomi Young Koi Show as a representative
of WK&WGS. Many club members will remember her article in our newsletter and her presentation on pruning and path design
at our membership meetings. Joyce also organized our club's young fish raffle and grow out competitions for club members in
2006 and 2007. She is a generous donor of bonsai and fish to our annual auction.
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