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2010 PNKCA Convention Representatives Meeting Minutes will be posted when approved.  Draft below:

PNKCA Convention Representatives Meeting

Noon, Aug. 28, 2010, Boise, ID

The list of attendees is attached at the end of this report.

    1. Meeting Called to Order – The meeting was called to order at 1:20 p.m. by Chairman Elsie Richardson. She introduced the other board members: Vice Chairman Jerry Hames; Secretary Carmen; and Treasurer Lucy Macneil.


Elsie acknowledged PNKCA Web Site Master Phyllis Anderson and past chairmen Gene Anderson, Larry Christensen and Lindsey Gibson. She also welcomed Luncheon Guest and Convention Speaker Spike Cover and his wife, Ginger.


2.      PNKCA Website – Phyllis Anderson gave an update on the PNKCA website. She found that despite the password protection, the club’s roster posted on the website could still be obtained by outside sources simply by using the Google search engine, which somehow would bypass security. Because of this, she took the roster off of the website. If anyone wants a copy, they just need to contact Phyllis or Carmen.

3.      2010 Spring Rep. Meeting Minutes – There were no corrections to the 2010 Spring Rep. Meeting minutes. Carmen Stafford sent the minutes out to the representatives prior to this meeting.

4.      Treasury Report – In the Treasury report, Lucy Macneil said there was $3628.93 in Checking and $14,980.88 in Savings. She asked that if anyone had any PNKCA-related receipts for reimbursement, to please pass them on to her. 

5.      PNKCA Convention 2010 -- Boise Convention Chairman Sot Chimonas was out of the country and unable to attend the convention. In his place were Co-Chairs Fred Elsey and Russ Centanni. Elsie thanked Fred and Russ for all their hard work and noted that despite the many details that Fred and Russ have to keep track of, how everything seemed to be going very smoothly.

6.      PNKCA Banquet – Russ Centanni briefly discussed last night’s reception, the banquet and the auction.


7.      2010 PNKCA Promotional Grants – Jerry Hames reminded everyone that the deadline to submit articles and picture for the 2010 PNKCA Grant is Dec. 31, 2010. The clubs selected for this year’s grants are:

                Olympic Koi, Goldfish & Watergarden Club
                Puget Sound Koi Club
                Washington Koi & Water Garden Society
                Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club
                Mid Columbia Koi & Pond Club
                Island Empire Water Garden & Koi Society

                Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club

8.      Future PNKCA Conventions: Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club will host the 2011 PNKCA’s 27th Annual Convention. Sally Karo, Larry and Pat Christensen and Virginia Hokkanen will be on the club’s committee for the convention. They already have plans for Spike Cover to hold a wet lab on Friday. Tom Holder and representatives from TOMiGAi are expected to be there. The convention will be held June 3-5 at the Monarch Hotel in Portland. There will also be a pond tour.

2012 – No Host as yet

9.      Old Business
        O&D Liability Insurance – Elsie reported that insurance has been purchased for the officers and the representatives. It does not cover general liability for an event such as a convention. That is purchased separately. Jerry Hames said he found an event policy through State Farm for $800 for a pond tour.

10.     New Business
        AKCA Insurance Coverage Changes Attempts were made to contact Brenda Channel of AKCA Insurance to find out what was covered through the AKCA. Despite several phone calls and emails, there was no response from her.

Puget Sound Club comes through! Special thanks go to Joe Lewis and John Hillstrom. They sold $280 worth of the PNKCA T-shirts at the Puyallup Spring Show.

Spring Meeting starting time changes. Elsie announced that from now on, the PNKCA’s spring meeting will begin at 11 a.m. and break for lunch for about an hour beginning at noon.

11.    Club Announcements:

Club representatives announced their up-coming activities for this year.

The attendees for this meeting included:

Elsie Richardson
Jerry Hames
Carmen Stafford
Lucy McNeil
Phyllis Anderson

Canada Koi Club
Dave Smith
Wendy Smith

Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club
Gia Lanigan
Bruce Bullis

Dai-ichi, Nanaimo and Canada Koi Club
John Ennals
Lindsay Gibson

Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society
Sue Boydstun

Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society

Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club
Jim Rehwalt
Esther Rehwalt

North Idaho Koi Keepers
Greg Linnbach
Judy Linnbach

Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club
Sally Karo
Pat Christensen

Olympic Koi Goldfish & Watergarden Club
Helen Morgan
Russ Morgan

Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society
Wally Hathaway
Norman Call

Puget Sound Koi Club
Joe Lewis
Rick Beasley

Siskiyou Pond Club

Washington Koi & Water Garden Society
Karen Miller
Nancy Moore
Peter McCafferty

Past Officers and Guests
Gene Anderson
Larry Christensen




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PNKCA Representatives Meeting – March 13, 2010

The Oak Room @ La Quinta Inn, Tacoma, WA.

11:00 AM Representatives Assemble

The list of attendees is attached to the end of this report.

1. The Representatives meeting was called to order at 12:45 p.m. by Chairman Elsie Richardson. She introduced the board members: Vice Chairman Jerry Hames, and Secretary Carmen Stafford. Treasurer Lucy Macneil and Web Master Phyllis Anderson were not in attendance.

2. Vendor Guest/Visitors: Tony Prew of All Japan Koi and John Russell of Russell's Watergardens & Koi were the invited guests, but were unable to make it to the meeting.

3. Minutes—Elsie asked for and received approval for the 2009 Convention Representatives meeting minutes.

4. PNKCA Treasurer's Report: In Lucy Macneil's absence, the Treasurer report was read by Elsie Richardson. She reported on the 2009 Convention Financial Report and the 2010 YTD/Current Financial Report. Also, Joe Lewis of the Puget Sound Koi Club reported that their club never received the check for the PNKCA Grant. It's believed that the check was lost. Elsie asked Joe to get with Lucy so she could cut him another check.

5. 2009 Convention Wrap-up—Karen Miller of the Washington Koi & Water Garden Society gave and overview and wrap up of the 2009 Convention. She said the PNKCA netted $5,823. The Super Raffle netted over $2,670. Ed Fujimoto was the guest of honor. She said the dinner auction went well. There were some issues with the vendors. They had all dry sites, except for a few. One vendor came and demanded water and when turned down, left. Overall Karen was happy with the results of the convention. The discussion went to the high expense of the Friday night gatherings. Gene Anderson and Karen mentioned that people are using the social as their dinner hour, thus causing many more trays of food to be brought out that the PNKCA has to pay for. One possibility mentioned to solve this problem was to hold the social later in the evening so people would be encouraged to eat on their own before coming to the social.

Larry Christensen said some convention expenses could be saved by making the convention a simpler event. At times it seems like clubs are trying to outdo other clubs. He said the convention manual needs to be utilized to keep others from reinventing the wheel.

6. Bronze Koi Award--Larry Christensen, who is the Nominating Committee Chairman, explained the eligibility for this award. He said people must have been a club member for at least 10 years. They have to be nominated by individuals, not by clubs. He said he hadn't received any nominations yet and encourages everyone to get involved in finding worthy candidates for this award. Just one award is presented per year. Nominations are due by March 31, 2010.

7. 2010 ZNA Membership Drive--Larry Christensen said the membership is offered to any active current Northwest club member. Larry said being a ZNA member takes a koi hobbyist to a "whole new level" of koi keeping. He said it's a beautiful magazine with outstanding articles on every facet of koi keeping. He offered membership applications to the representatives.

8. Ed Fujimoto Award--Jerry Hames discussed the Ed Fujimoto Award and encouraged folks to send in nominations.

9. PNKCA Koi of the Year Award—In Phyllis's absence, Elsie gave a report on the Koi of the Year Award. She said the award was created because not all clubs have koi shows. Members can send in photos of their favorite fish, but they must have their club president's signature on it. The photos must be submitted no later than March 31, 2010. The submission form is on the PNKCA website.

10. Club Representative Reports

Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club

Gia Lanigan said they have educational displays at Hughes Watergardens and are planning on having others at more locations.

Canada Koi Club

Dave Smith reported that with the turmoil in the past two years, with Clark being ill has been difficult for everyone. However Clark is now doing better and able to take more responsibility in the club. Randy Dahlgren has been responsible for bringing in new members.

Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society

Fred Elsey said the club is active and growing. They had a grow out contest last year to promote their koi show. They didn't have enough tanks for the show as more fish were brought in than they expected. He said the club could do a better job of pooling resources between the new and old members during this transition period. There are some rifts forming along with some politics. The new people don't have the experience, but are not asking the older members for help. He said the club is working to sort out these issues.

Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society

Diana Lynn Rehn said she was proud of the events planned for their June 26-27 koi show. For the "Battle of the Breeders" two top notch breeders are each donating four fish that people will get to win and then enter into a judging. Some of the events include seminars on orchid potting and Bonsai. There will also be martial arts demonstrations and dancers. Japanese students will be demonstrating origami. The club will be participating in the yearly Japanese Gardens cleanout, and performing koi health checks.

North Idaho Koi Keepers

Dick Benbow said that as a new club, it continues to grow and have an active education program. On March 20 Matt McCann of the Nisi Koi Farm will come and explain alternate filtration methods. Later this year, Russ Peters of Peters & Sons Koi will do a slide show of his trip to Japan and Michael Cox of Koi Nations Magazine will visit.

Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club

Eileen Thorne said the club invited Diana Lynn Rehn over to discuss koi food and how to pick the best ones. Steve Joneli will give a seminar later this month on how to build a sand filter. Also the club will have its annual pond tour on Sept. 11.

Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club

Sally Karo said she and Pat Christensen are working to prepare for the 30th Annual Koi & Goldfish Show. They will host the 2011 convention. The KHAs are active and are helping with new ponds going in. The club is assisting with the Japanese Children's Day at the Japanese Gardens. There will be dancers there and the kids love the event. There will be a club koi auction in May and there's expected to be lots of fish available for it.

Olympic Koi Goldfish & Watergarden Club

Helen Morgan said they are planning a Pond Info Day in March or April. She expects there to be lots of knowledgeable members there to help and give advice. There will be a pond tour the end of summer

Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society

David Lugar said he is seeing a new spark in the club meetings and the participation is growing. They have educational meetings such as learning about Bonsai plants and how to anesthetize fish. They had Tony Prew over and he gave a slide show on his latest trip to Japan. He said they have been trying for find ways to give back to the community. They donated $500 to a camp for kids with cancer. They have taken field trips to Oregon Aquatics and Pacific Koi. New members are stepping into leadership roles. They will have their 10th Annual Koi Show June 12-13. Tom Ayers will be the judge. They also visited with the Siskiyou club and met with the Bonsai speaker there.

Puget Sound Koi Club

Joe Lewis said they will have their educational booth in the Pullaup Spring Fair in June. On June 5 they will have a Koi Vendor Bus Tour and visit three vendors. Adult beverages will be served! On Aug. 7-8 will be the Young Koi Show at Hoshi Koi. They recently acquired three new couples as members who are under the age of 40.

Washington Koi & Water Garden Society

Karen Miller said on April 10 Tim Miller-Morgan is holding a wet lab at the Point Defiance Zoo. Karen said there's still openings left for anyone who wants to attend. The club continues to bring in younger members and their children. She went to the Northwest Flower Show and found new a vendor for the club koi show in September. They will have a pond tour in June.

11. PNKCA Promotional Koi Grants 2009

Olympic Koi, Goldfish & Watergarden Club Paid

Puget Sound Koi Club Check still out

Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club Paid

Siskiyou Koi & Pond Club Paid

Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society Relinquished grant—not completed in time

Washington Koi & Water Garden Society Was not received before the deadline

There were no alternates that applied in 2009

12. PNKCA Convention 2010

Hosted by the Idaho Watergarden & Koi Society—Fred Elsey reported on the convention. He said there will be a reception Friday night from 7:30-9 p.m. There will be a special hotel rate for convention goers of $89 plus tax. This offer will be good until one month before the convention. Besides the pond tour, Fred talked about side excursions like a trip to a winery that will be available. He said Mamoru Kodama will give the main presentation on koi breeding; Taro Kodama will discuss what it takes to bring koi from Japan to the United States; Richard Strange will discuss koi nutrition; Dr Ling Jin from the University of Oregon State will be updating her progress on her KHV studies; Spike Cover will be introducing the convention to his new WEB forum; and Gary Moen will be presenting ideas on koi pond landscaping.

The representatives were reminded that every club needed to bring two nice items for the auction/raffle.

13. PNKCA Super Raffle 2010—Elsie said Jerry Hames will be assigning raffle tickets to clubs. If clubs run out they should contact him.

Super Raffle Supporters for the convention are:

Tony Prew of All Japan Koi is donating Nexus Pod Filter

John Russell of Russell's Watergarden & Koi is donating a Hydro Sieve

Carolyn Weise of Microbe Lift/Ecological Laboratories is donating pond products

14. 2011 and Future PNKCA Conventions—The Northwest Koi & Goldfish Society will host the 2011 convention. Pat Christensen said there's not date yet for that convention. Elsie reminded everyone to talk to their clubs about hosting a convention. There is no host yet for 2012. Roseburg has not had a convention yet, but it's because they don't yet have the facilities for it. She said Siskiyou is such a young club, but if they decide to host a convention, maybe the Oregon club will help them.

15. Old Business

Officers and Reps Liabilities & Insurance Vote—Carmen Stafford gave the results on the bylaw revision vote by mail. The bylaw revision was passed by all but one vote. At Elsie's request, Carmen agreed to destroy the paper ballots.

Liabilities & Insurance Sample Policy—Elsie Richardson said the policies available are a $1M policy for $535 per year, or a $2M for $731 per year. This does not offer insurance to the premises of a function, just to the Officers and Representatives in charge of the PNKCA event. A general event policy is available for an extra charge. The discussion that followed stated how most clubs want to get their own policy, as AKCA won't cover PNKCA events. Sally Karo asked if the attorney fees come with the policy or is it separate. Elsie said that, yes, the attorney fees would be covered. A motion to approve the $1M insurance policy was passed.

16. New Business

A. PNKCA 2010 Promotional Grant Applications—Elsie said it was mandatory that all applications for the current year grant applications be in no later than March 1—so that they can be discussed at the Spring Meeting. She said the first six who applied for this year's grants would be awarded grants. The clubs awarded grants for 2010 are:

1. Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society

2. Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club

3. Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club

4. Olympia Koi, Goldfish & Watergarden Club

5. Puget Sound Koi Club

6. Washington Koi & Water Garden Society


1st. Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club

B. T – Shirt Inventory—Elsie said she didn't have the storage to keep all the t-shirts. She was going to look for volunteers to divide them among. John Hillstom said he would take some for Pullaup's Spring Fair.

C. Web site update – Elsie said to get any of your club's important dates in to Phyllis Anderson so she can keep the PNKCA website current. Gene Anderson said the posters for the convention and the Super Raffle items will be on the website very soon. Clubs will be able to pull the posters up and print them.

D. Events and NW Koi Shows—Elsie reminded everyone to give the vendors at the events recognition and let them know we appreciate them.

Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 3:20.

The attendees for this meeting included:


Elsie Richardson

Jerry Hames

Carmen Stafford

Cascade Koi & Goldfish Club

Gia Lanigan

Bruce Bullis

Canada Koi Club

Dave Smith

Wendy Smith

Dai-ichi, Nanaimo and Canada Koi Club

None attended

Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society

Fred Elsey

Inland Empire Water Garden & Koi Society

Diana Lynn Rehn

North Idaho Koi Keepers

Dick Benbow

Mid-Columbia Koi & Pond Club

Eileen Thorne

Esther Rehwalt

Northwest Koi & Goldfish Club

Sally Karo

Pat Christensen

Olympic Koi Goldfish & Watergarden Club

Helen Morgan

Russ Morgan

Oregon Koi & Watergarden Society

David Lugar

Robin Lugar

Puget Sound Koi Club

Joe Lewis

John Hillstrom

Siskiyou Pond Club

None attended

Washington Koi & Water Garden Society

Karen Miller

Peter Mc Caffety

Past Officers and Guests

Larry Christensen

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